They say if we cannot sleep during the night it is because God wants to tell us something, but we’ve been so busy during the whole day to listen. Last night, I woke up in the middle of the night and I remembered this.
Then I sat down and was listening. I had to write. I write often but this time it was different. Words came to me in English and in short sentences.
These few lines are the result of those intuitive moments:
Yoga doesn't start with Samasthiti.
The asana practice starts with Samasthiti.
Yoga starts with the first breath in the morning.
Your Yoga is the way you live your day.
Yoga is not happening on the mat. Not only.
Asana is happening on the mat.
Exercising the body is vital.
But just one point of many.
Yoga starts with being a kind person.
Which is followed by being a true person.
Then you're clean and pure, in and out.
And you're content with what you have.
Not wanting always more and more.
Not grasping what the world wants to see around you.
Your Yoga is your self-discipline.
Your Yoga is your everyday habits.
Yoga is a profound Self-knowledge.
Self-study, continuously and continually.
Your yoga is your devotion to the unseen.
Above the material, towards transcendental.
If you're doing anything with the intention of
purifying, healing and uplifting you're doing Yoga.
Yoga is a way of life.
04.07.2019. 1:1am, Yangon
I think this time I got the message. I felt it. Today my first thing to do was not to turn on the coffee machine but to sit down and say my mantra. Same things happening during the morning routine but the order is different. I'll keep this in the future.
📷 Photo & Design by Anita Gyertyános
[On the background photo: the facade of the old Ariyar Wamsa Wooden Monastery in Mandalay, Myanmar.]