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Anita Gyertyános

yogic rules

Frissítve: 2024. dec. 2.

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One of the many ways to reach The Ultimate Happiness is to live Patanjali Yoga Sutras’ 8 limbs of Yoga.


The second limb is NIYAMA with its 5 parts. Let's see them in details.

#1 niyama is SAUCA – purity

Maintening internal and external purity. Once the mind is purified, the atma, the soul will be purified.

{Saucatvangajugupsa parairasmsargah YS 2.40}


#2 niyama is SANTOSA – contentment

Being happy what we have. Practicing inner joy from a spiritual wisdom. Contentment from a higher consciousness, the ultimate joy.

{Santosadanuttamah sukhalabhah YS 2.42}


#3 niyama is TAPAS – self-discipline

Maintening a disciplined diet, a steady practice and schedule, avoiding bad crowds and negative influences. Discipline and focus the mind to achieve spiritual goals.

{Kayendriyasiddhirasuddhiksayat tapasah YS 2.43}


#4 niyama is SVADHYAYA – Self-study

To engage our mind to further our studies, go deeper into what we are learning. Teacher cannot push, he or she can only guide.

{Svadhyayadistadevatasamprayogah YS 2.44}


#5 niyama is ISVARAPRANIDHANA – Devotion to god

Isvara is the purest form of the soul. First you surrender to the guru, then to the teachings,

only then will isvara pranidhana come.Providing inner strength to deal with uncertainties of life and with samsara.

{Samadhisiddhirisvarapranidhanat YS 2.45}


Source: book of R.Sharath Jois, Astanga Yoga Anusthana


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