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Healing in Hlaing

Anita Gyertyános

Living in Asia for a while is one of the gifts of my life, but to adapt to its hot and extremely humid climate is very challenging for me.

Very hot outside of the buildings and very cold inside of the buildings and taxis, thanks to set the air-conditioning at around 17°C. The difference can be almost 20°C, hard to handle but easy to catch a cold. Specially for ayurvedic Vatas. ;)

I have been struggling with respiratory health issues from the beginning of my time here. The feeling when I literally cannot breathe via my nostrils is for me like being dead, really.

The main focus of my practice and teaching is being connected with the breath. And I just lose this connection, again and again…

Well, it must have a hidden message or lesson. Nothing is happening without a reason.

I think I got it.

The biggest AHA-experience during this period was the ’let it be’. Big clishé I know, but it became real and alive to me.

Long story in short: the moment when the nasal passages are so full and blocked, I try to blow my nose with full force to relieve a little bit, and it just becomes much worse than it was before. The only thing I got is muscle twitching on the face for many days.

Then the ’let it be’ thing has arrived and I stopped to force to blow the nose and accepted to breathe via the mouth. It is one of my biggest Santosa (second niyama) experiences, accepting a thing as it is, not wanting to change it immediately.

Then something has changed. Next morning I just easily blew my nose, did the jala neti cleansing and both nostrils were functioning again.

This video is the witness of my celebration practice, breathing long and deeply, through every cell of my body.

Since then I'm getting better, with few ups and downs but this ’just let it be’ method is working pretty well. 🌱

Actually, the seed of this knowledge was planted by my Vipassana meditation practice. The moment when I realized what is the main difference between my Ashtanga Vinyasa and my Vipassana meditation practice.

This will be another long story in short. For next time.


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